Crockpot Chicken

Set it and forget it. This is why we love our slow cookers. This is such an easy way to feed a family. Simply toss in some veg, position your bird, season, shut it and turn it on. By mid-day your nose will already be sensing that something delicious is in the works for dinner. It is key that your bird and your cooker are proportional to each other, so when you’re shopping for your bird, pick one that will fit. The Co-op is proud to offer a variety of healthy and humane poultry options, including our local organic poultry providers, Aurora Valley Poultry Farm.

Co-op Sales Local Organic Sweet Onion
  • 1 whole chicken
  • 1 medium onion
  • 1 stalk celery
  • 2 large carrots
  • herbs (rosemary, thyme)
  • sea salt
  • black pepper


Peel and chop onion, celery and carrot into large pieces. Position these vegetable pieces in the base of your slow cooker to form a base layer for the chicken to rest on. Wash the chicken and position breast up in the slow cooker on top of the cut veggies. Sprinkle with herbs, salt & pepper. Place lid on cooker and cook on low for eight hours. Before serving, test that the chicken is cooked. The juices should run clear and a meat thermometer should register an internal temperature of 170 degrees. Use the juice, fat and veggies in the bottom of the cooker for a delicious gravy and/or a stock or soup.