
I recently saw a study from Consumer Reports that found evidence of heavy metals in certain brands of dark chocolate bars. Can you share more information about this?


A recent report from Consumer Reports states that potentially harmful amounts of heavy metals lead and cadmium have been found in 28 popular dark chocolate brands. Consumer Reports based their study on California’s standards for daily intake, which are stricter than those recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA has not issued a recall and they are still deemed safe by the FDA. If you are concerned about this recent news, here is some information you may found helpful:
What products were included in this study that First Alternative carries?
Products found to be high in cadmium:
  • Beyond Good Organic Pure Dark Chocolate 70%
  • Beyond Good Organic Pure Dark Chocolate 80%
  • Equal Exchange Organic Extra Dark Chocolate 80%
  • Alter Eco Organic Dark Chocolate Classic Blackout 85%
Products found to be high in lead:
  • Tony’s Chocolonely Dark Chocolate 70%
  • Tony’s Chocolonely Extra Dark Chocolate 70%
  • Lily’s Extra Dark Chocolate 70%
  • Endangered Species Bold + Silky Dark Chocolate 72%
  • Hu Organic Simple Dark Chocolate 70%
Products found to be high in lead and cadmium:
  • Theo Organic Pure Dark 70% Cocoa
  • Theo Organic Extra Dark Pure Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa
  • Lily’s Extremely Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa

What are lead and cadmium and where do they come from?
Lead and cadmium are members of a group of naturally occurring minerals commonly called “heavy metals.” Although these metals are naturally found in our environment, industrial activity has increased the levels present in the air, water and soil, turning them into persistent environmental contaminants accumulating in our food supply. The research in this case shows that cacao trees take up cadmium from the soil through their roots, and lead contamination
happens when wet cacao beans are laid out to dry. Airborne lead from soil and air pollution settle on the beans before processing.

What are the risks from exposure to lead and cadmium?
While heavy metals are harmful for all people, pregnant people and young children are at greater risk for brain development issues. People of all ages who are regularly exposed to lead are at greater risk for nervous systems problems, reproductive issues, kidney damage, immune system suppression and kidney damage.

Why are these products still on the shelf/is there a recall?
FDA has not issued a recall of these products. Consumer Reports based their study on California’s standards for daily intake, which are stricter than those recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the reported chocolate levels have not exceeded the allowable standards by the FDA. We will be posting a sign in the chocolate section that will direct customers to an explanation of this information to help them education themselves and make a personal decision about their purchases.

Are there any safer alternatives?
Consumer Reports recommends that until the cacao industry takes needed steps to reduce heavy metal contamination, there are some things you can do to reduce your exposure.

  • Choose a bar with lower levels of heavy metals. Consumer Reports’ reported the dark chocolate bars with the lowest levels of lead and/or cadmium were:
    • Mast Organic Dark Chocolate 80% Cocoa
    • Taza Chocolate Organic Deliciously Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa
    • Valrhona Abinao Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa
    • Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate 86%
    • Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate Twilight Delight
  • Try chocolates with lower cacao percentages. Since the heavy metal content is present in cocoa solids, lower percentages mean less heavy metal exposure.
  • Don’t give kids much dark chocolate and limit your intake if you are pregnant or nursing.
  • Eat a varied diet. Foods that are higher in calcium and iron can offset some of the harmful effects of heavy metals.
  • If you prefer brands that tested higher in heavy metals, adults can still enjoy them as an occasional treat. The risk comes from frequent consumption over a long period of time.

How can I take action as a concerned customer?
In addition to contacting chocolate companies with their concerns directly, you can suggest customers contact their U.S. Representative and Senators and specifically ask them to:

  • Strengthen regulations related to heavy metals and increase testing for heavy metals in our food, including chocolate.
  • Require manufacturers to report levels of toxic heavy metals on labels.
  • Express support for federal policies that strengthen environmental regulations prohibiting companies from using processes and products that increase the level of these persistent environmental contaminants (and many others) in our environment and ultimately, our food supply. Consumers can also consider supporting organizations that assist with environmental clean up and remediation internationally, particularly in chocolate growing regions. Children in chocolate growing regions are exposed to lead directly through polluted soil, water and air.