Apeel Produce Coating
I’ve recently heard about an alarming coating that is sprayed onto produce to extend the visual preservation of produce (organic and conventional) made by a company called Apeel. Does [...]
Waxy Apples
Can the Co-op provide reusable container sanitization like it used to? Unfortunately, per Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) requirements, businesses are not allowed to sanitize containers in-house like [...]
Waxy Apples
Do you ever carry any apples that are waxed? No, our main distributor (Organically Grown Company) does not supply any apples with wax on them. When apples get [...]
South Store Bike Parking
I've had some trouble getting my bike with a trailer/cargo carrier into the bike parking area at the southern entrance of the South Store. Would it be possible to [...]
Bulk Tea & Spice Packaging Options
Would it be possible to get paper envelopes for spices and more efficient non-plastic options for bulk? Thank you for your suggestion. The South Store will begin providing [...]
Poinsettia Sourcing
Are the poinsettias you sell local & do they contain any pesticides? Poinsettias are a tropic plant native to Central and South America, and traditionally have required a lot [...]
Electric Car Charging Stations
Will there be any improvements to the electric car charging stations in the near future? We currently have Blink charging stations are our North Store location. The infrastructure & [...]
Produce Department Update
The new Produce display cases look great! Why did you rearrange the produce in the new cases? We are excited to have new Produce display cases at both [...]
Freestone Peaches
Do you carry Freestone peaches? We try to source Freestone peaches whenever we can! Freestone peaches are a specific variety that are only available for select periods during [...]