DAY 4: Stuffed Tomatoes, Celery & Peanut Butter, Broiled Blue Cheese Peaches

Stuffed Tomatoes

  • 1 can tuna, drained
  • 1 dill pickle, diced

  • 1 stalk celery, diced

  • 1 tsp dried dill

  • 2 cups lettuce, chopped

  • 2 large tomatoes

  • Salad dressing of your choice


Mix tuna, pickle, celery and dill. Remove core and seed from tomatoes. Mix seeds into tuna mixture. Fill whole tomates with tuna mixture, place on a bed of dressed lettuce.

Broiled Blue Cheese Peaches

  • 2 peaches
  • ¼ cup blue cheese crumbles

  • 2 Tbsp honey


Split peaches in half and remove pit. Place on a cookie sheet, cut side up. Broil until they soften and start to caramelize, 3-5 minutes. Put a little cheese in the center and drizzle with honey.

Cut 2 celery stalks into 3-4″ pieces. Fill with peanut butter and top each piece with 3-5 raisins

Save for later: Lettuce for Pear Hazelnut Salad and Chicken Ensalada