Sesame Snap Peas

A simple-as-can-be salad with fresh local snap peas. Less is more when it comes to snap peas. Let’s be honest, mostly we just eat them straight up, right? Nothing wrong with that of course, but sometimes it’s nice to try a little something more. Here is a super-simple recipe that allows the sweet, fresh snap pea to shine with just a subtle, nutty accompaniment of sesame oil and sesame seeds. Enjoy the sweet crunch of fresh, local, organic snap peas!

peas, snap
  • 1# sugar snap peas
  • 1-2 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tsp sesame seeds (white or black)
  • Sea salt to taste


Remove the stem and the strings from each pea pod. Toss the peas in a bowl with remaining ingredients. Serve at room temperature.