
I believe that it is very important to reduce our use of plastic. Plastic is very harmful to the environment and human health. I urge the Co-op to replace the plastic bags used for loose teas and spices with paper bags. I have seen this being done at other grocery stores for such purposes.


Bill Genné , North Store Manager

Thank you for your feedback! We couldn’t agree more with you about your concerns over plastic usage. We do provide an assortment of paper bags in the produce and bulk areas free for customer use, but they are not as prominently displayed as the plastic bags. We appreciate your suggestion and will work on making the paper bags more visible by displaying them in more locations around the bulk area. We also have glass containers for purchase that people can use for bulk items. Thankfully, for now at least, the Oregon Department of Agriculture still allows us to let customers reuse their own containers they bring into the store for purchasing bulk items which is a great way to go.