Outdoor Eating Area-North Store

Do you have any plans to update and improve the outdoor eating area at the North store? Bill Genné, North Store Manager Yes! We are planning on making improvements to the outdoor seating area, including the addition of more plants and greenery. We are excited to make this space a more visually appealing [...]

By |2019-09-09T10:37:16-07:00September 9th, 2019|Customer Comment Board|0 Comments

Play Structure-South Store

The play structure outside the South Store seems very rickety. Do you have plans to replace it? Amy Bassett, South Store Manager Thank you for the feedback. We will be taking our current play structure down soon to ensure we are only providing access to safe play equipment. We hope to be able [...]

By |2019-09-05T08:14:53-07:00September 5th, 2019|Customer Comment Board|0 Comments

Exterior Paint-North Store

Why did you paint the North Store and how did you choose the color? Bill Genné, North Store Manager Painting the North Store was the first step in unifying both of our stores aesthetically. Although we have two locations, this helps us emphasize the fact that we are one Co-op and one community. [...]

By |2019-07-05T08:12:38-07:00July 5th, 2019|Customer Comment Board|0 Comments

Plastic Packaging-North Store

Why does the Co-op still sell products in plastic packaging and provide plastic bags? Bill Genné, North Store Manager Kyle Mays, Produce Manager, North Store Sustainability is one of the Co-op’s core values and we are continually working to reduce our footprint on the environment. Certain products, like berries and some greens, still [...]

By |2020-01-10T07:25:21-08:00May 31st, 2019|Customer Comment Board|0 Comments

Purchasing Records-South Store

We have a suggestion. We receive our receipts electronically and really enjoy that. We were wondering if it would be possible to get an email each month with a summary of all of our purchases for that month in a format that we can import into a database application for budgeting purposes. Something like [...]

By |2019-06-04T11:04:58-07:00May 31st, 2019|Customer Comment Board|0 Comments
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