Participation in Benton To Go
Is the Co-op participating in the Benton To Go Program? Due to different regulatory oversight and rules for grocery stores as compared to restaurants (grocery stores are regulated [...]
Restroom Keys
Why do you require a key for the public restrooms at the stores? Bill Genné, North Store Manager & Amy Bassett, South Store Manager We understand it can [...]
Heavy Metals in Chocolate
I recently saw a study from Consumer Reports that found evidence of heavy metals in certain brands of dark chocolate bars. Can you share more information about this? [...]
Patronage Dividend
When Owners receive a patronage dividend, what percentage of my purchases do I earn? Mark Tarasawa, Finance Manager Patronage dividends are declared by the Board of Directors in [...]
Indoor Eating Areas
When will you reopen the indoor eating areas at the stores? Bill Genné, North Store Manager & Amy Bassett, South Store Manager Our stores will plan to make [...]
Outdoor Eating Area-South Store
Can you design an outdoor eating area with the new construction work at the South Store? We would love to have a nice, clean space to eat at the [...]
Seasonal Produce-North & South Store
Why do I see some variation in the quality of produce throughout the year, particularly avocados and mangoes? Natalia Mikkola, South Store Produce Manager, and Kyle Mays, North [...]
Plastic Use in Deli-North & South Store
Is there any chance we can find an alternative to single-use plastic containers for items in the grab-n-go case? There are many times I'd really like a piece of [...]
Plastic Bags-North & South Store
I believe that it is very important to reduce our use of plastic. Plastic is very harmful to the environment and human health. I urge the Co-op to replace [...]